Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sensitivity Returns : SiTTing , WaiTiNG n WisHiNg

I'm Lying aLone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you tiLL it hurts
I don’t know why, 
You said goodbye
Just let me know you didn’t go
forever my love
Please tell me why, 

You make me cry
I beg you please 

I'm on my knees
if that's what 
you want me to
Never knew 

that it would go so far
When you left me 

on that living yardCome again 
you would release my pain
And we could 

be 'lovers' again
Just one more chance,

Another dance
And let me feel 
it isn’t real 
that I’ve been losing you
This sun will rise, 

Within your eyes
Come back to me 

and we will be 
happy together
Maybe today,

I’ll make you stay
A little while '

just for a smile 
and love together
For I will show, 

A place I know
Deep in my heart 

where we could be 
happy forever

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha... kak long budget 'sweet'...Kak Ngah steady jeeRR wat dia tiang lamPu? hahaha... Mariah msti dok tengOk seLalu gambaQ nii kat YarmuKh tuu. Sbb tu nak balik sgt3 ! ... hih! MMg betui pown, " There's no Place like Kartiwi's "... Hah ! Semak samun yg penuh tarikan keindahan semulajadi... heee !
